1. The Terms and Conditions, mentioned hereunder, pertain to the Residential / Commercial Project, “One Signature Tower”, being offered for booking to prospective buyers.
2. The Apartment/Shop (s) of the above project are offered for sale on ownership basis and shall be booked on First come First served basis against Cash / Cheque only. The Terms & Conditions, Application Forms, Cost & Payment Schedule, Specification, Undertakings and the approved documents etc. shall be signed by the applicant (allottee) which will form part of Contract/Agreement for allotment of the said unit of the project.
3. All installments will be paid by the applicant strictly in accordance with the schedule agreed at the time of booking otherwise the company shall have the right to demand a late payment surcharge and/ or increase in the price of the unit.
4. The demand notice for the payment of Due / Over Due instalments will be mailed at the postal address of the applicant mentioned herein. However, the company shall not be responsible for non-delivery because of a change of postal address not promptly noticed by the applicant or postal mishaps.
5. The possession and ownership of the unit shall remain with the company until full payment, including service charges for utilities and documentation etc., are made by the applicant.
6. The allottee shall not sell, transfer or assign the Unit prior to taking possession of the same without the prior written permission of the Company. The Company may allow such sale, transfer or assignment only upon payment of all outstanding dues from the allottee. The Company, as per its sole discretion, reserves the right to charge any transfer fee for allowing such sale, transfer or assignment.
7. The applicant shall make the payment of installments within the period specified in the demand notice, otherwise a late payment charge will be levied for outstanding dues. If the applicant fails to pay the dues with late payment charges within the period specified in the final notice, the allocation will be liable for cancellation as per clause (8) of this form.
8. In case of failure, on the part of applicant, to make payments within the specified period or after 7 days of FINAL NOTICE, the booking / allocation shall stand cancelled and the amount deposited to-date shall only be refunded after suitable re-booking of the subject Unit is made and after deduction of ‘Service and Establishment Charges’ at the rate of 10% on the total agreed cost of the Units.
9. In case an applicant subsequently wishes to surrender his/her Unit or it stands cancelled on the basis of clause (8) above, the amount will be refunded after completion of this project and deduction of 10% of the total agreed price of the Unit will be made from the installment deposited by the applicant, being the service & establishment charges.
10. The applicant will pay lease expenses, documentation charges, outer development charges and all other ancillary and miscellaneous expenses to the Company as determined by them for fullfilment of the formalities of various departments/agencies as and when asked by the Company within the prescribed period of time. The cost of the unit does not include ground rent, lease execution, registration charges and legal expenses, electric,
water and gas meter connection charges and/or internal/external development charges or generator cost. The applicant on demand shall pay such charges.
11. Building maintenance shall be under taken as a separate specifc Maintenance Contract.
12. Prior to taking over the allotted Unit, 18 months advance expenses on account of service utilities, salaries of caretakers, security guards, plumbers, electricians etc. Other administrative & overhead charges will be payable by the allottee on demand, as the Company shall be responsible for maintenance of the project for a period of 18 months from the date of handing over the POSSESSION of the FIRST Unit. The applicant will take part in the formation of a registered association before the end of the maintenance period, otherwise the Company will not be responsible for common and general services and proper upkeep/cleanliness of the project after the end of the above maintenance period.
13. The construction of the project is expected to be completed within the given time subject to the condition of force majeure, strike, riots, war and other calamities, which are beyond the control of the Company. This also includes change in fiscal policies of the government. In such conditions the builder shall be at liberty to revise / interrupt the construction schedule.
14. The Company will make every effort to obtain permanent electric and gas connection and meters in the name of the individual allottee at the earliest by making timely payment of challans, estimates, connection charges etc. in connection with these services. However, the Company accepts no responsibility if the supply of any of the above-mentioned services is delayed.
15. (a) The applicant shall be liable to pay every month or on demand from the concerned authorities, the excise and taxation dues, water conservancy, ground rent, services bills i.e. Electricity (token load or permanent load), gas, water and others, directly to the concerned authorities individually or collectively by forming an association or committee.
(b) The Company accepts no responsibilities if rates/tariff charges by these concerned authorities are higher than applicant’s expectations. The applicant will make his/her own arrangement individually or collectively to settle these higher/inflated rates with the concerned authorities.
16. The applicant shall take over the physical possession of the Unit within 15 days from Issuance of an intimation letter by the Company, after clearance of all the outstanding dues and charges. In case of delay on the part of applicant, the Company shall charge penalty for care taking of his/her Unit. In case of any losses or damages of the applicants booked Unit or fixture and fittings therein, due to theft, malicious tactics, natural/climatic occurrences, antisocial activities, riots and forced/illegal occupancy etc. the resultant losses or damages will be made good by the applicant.
17. The construction will be done according to the plan/specification, however, changes in design and/or layout of the Unit can be made by the Company, if necessary.
18. The applicant shall not carry out any addition or alterations with regard to the structure of the building within the Unit allotted to him/her (the structure includes Columns, Slabs and Beams). He shall not change the present elevation of the building or any part thereof under any circumstances. This restriction will continue even after the applicant takes the possession of the Unit. Balcony grill/railing will be installed with the approval of the company.
19. The applicant agrees and acknowledges:
(a) To permit the representative of the Company to enter into the Unit for ascertaining the observance of the covenants made by them or for laying, testing or service mains, cables, pipes, drains, service and other items etc. The applicant shall take all precautions against the tampering of all such other services.
(b) Not to make any partitions, alteration, addition or any holes, attachments or adhesion of any nature without the consent of the Company.
(c) The covered area of Unit will include ancillary and services areas, walls, passages, corridors, staircases, balconies etc.
(d) The company is not responsible to carry out any extra work on the request of applicant under any circumstances during the construction/finishing of the project.
(e) They will not misuse the amenities provided by the Company nor will he cover/encroach them or any open area.
(f) To use the Unit for the purpose as specified and approved by the Company.
20. The Company shall have First lien, claim and charge on the Unit, its fixtures, and fittings and contents therein, in respect of any amount liable to be paid by the applicant to the Company.
21. The amount of loan is anticipated. The Company is prepared without any legal obligation on its part to assist the applicant/allottee to obtain loan from HBFC or any other Financial Institutions. In any event the grant of loan by the HBFC shall be subject to the availability of funds and compliance with requirements of the HBFC by the applicant/allottee. In case the amount of loan is not made available for any reason whatsoever, in whole or in
part, such whole or part amount of the loan will be paid by applicant/allottee to the company in CASH / cheque strictly within the given period of the demand letter of the Company.
22. I/We undertake to provide whatever documents and certificates are required by the financing authority in connection with the grant of loan.
23. The booking of all Units will be provisional until final payment is cleared.
24. The use of exterior walls, front and common area is reserved by the Company for any commercial or other use at the discretion of the Company.
25. If for any reason the Project is abandoned, the company will refund the installments received from the applicants. However, the company will not pay interest, further claims or damages of whatsoever nature.
26. The allottees / buyers shall keep the common ways, passages, staircase & streets etc., only as common, passages and staircase & streets etc., for all the allottees / buyers / occupants of the project and shall not place anything or create any obstruction in the same.
27. The allottee / buyer shall not bring any goods inside the unit that are hazardous, combustible or objectionable. He / She shall not cause any annoyance to other allottees / occupants.
28. The Units shall be used only for residential purpose and the allottees / buyers / occupants shall maintain the unit in good condition and shall not do anything contrary to law and shall not use common areas for personal use.
29. All serial numbers and or/other identification numbers and marking given in the layout plans booking and/or allocation letter pertaining to Units are on ad hoc, temporary and tentative basis and the Company reserves the right to amend/change/or renumber the same if found necessary.
30. In case the as built area is extra, the extra amount will be charged accordingly.
31. All Interior Items such as furniture, articles, fancy lights, kitchen, fancy tiles, bathrooms fancy fittings and false ceilings are not included.
32. I / We hereby confirm having read, understood the aforesaid terms and conditions and hereby agreed to abide by the same unconditionally, for all times and put my / our signature herein below in token of my / our acceptance of all terms and conditions mentioned above.
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